“Tell me what company you keep and I'll tell you what you are.” Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (Spanish writer, author of the masterwork 'El quijote',1547 -1616) Al's version - "You are known by the companies you keep" - 90% of Al's speaking business is for repeat or referred clients. Here is a list of some of the types of industry's, organizations and associations Al has worked with on a state, regional, national and international basis
Industries, Organizations and Associations with whom we "keep company"
Agriculture Banking Credit Unions Education Insurance Food Service Food Distribution Construction Companies Defense Contractors Federal, State and local governmental entities Large Retailers Hospitals Physician and Nursing Groups Electric and Telephone Co-ops Retail Jewelers Airplane Manufacturers Automobile Associations Trucking Lines Resorts Real Estate Developers Colleges & University's Forestry Associations Public & Private Schools Chambers of Commerce Technology User Groups Secondary Education Athletic Directors and Coaches Fast Food Industry School Boards Food Retailers Financial Services Heavy Equipment Mfg's Food Manufacturers Cement Manufacturers Engineers Civic Organizations Pest Control Chemical Manufacturers Nuclear Fuel Manufacturers Large Utility Companies Petroleum Companies Non-Profits Church Groups Long Term Care Groups Dairy Industry Foundation events Reading Conferences Economic Development Groups Municipality Associations Hotel Groups